12 Ways to Improve Lack of Communication In a Relationship

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The quality of communication can be the difference between a lackluster relationship and a magical relationship. This article will identify the most common reasons for lack of communication in a relationship, how to notice the signs of poor communication, how to improve your communication skills, and 12 helpful tips you can use to get your relationship communication back on course.

Communication is at the heart of our relationships. There’s a reason why poor communication is often called “the quiet killer”, because it’s responsible for countless breakups and divorces.

Whether you are experiencing communication problems in your current relationship or want to prevent them from happening in the future, these insights will provide valuable guidance to help you create a healthy, fulfilling relationship with your partner.

All of this will help you feel fluent in speaking the magical language of love!

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Communication Is Fundamental to a Successful Relationship – Here’s Why

Strong bonds are built on open lines of communication. Misunderstandings, unresolved conflicts, and a thinning of trust are all the results of a lack of communication in relationships and are a common source of hurt feelings and resentment.

Poor communication can lead to a lack of trust among couples. It becomes difficult to establish and maintain trust when communication is unclear or inconsistent. Similarly, when one or both partners do not feel heard or understood, it often leads to one partner becoming emotionally distant, which causes negative feelings of loneliness and isolation for both parties.

The more emotionally available you can be, the more they will feel secure in the relationship.

As humans, we are constantly evolving and changing, as are our needs and emotions in romantic relationships. If we stop communicating with our partner, we lose touch with their changing needs and values, and they lose touch with ours too, until eventually, we barely know them or have a place in their lives. Ultimately, a lack of communication can be the root cause of a relationship corroding.

The Many Benefits of Healthy Communication In Relationships

On the other hand, effective communication promotes a deeper understanding, trust, and connection between couples, helping to strengthen the bond and emotional intimacy in the relationship.

Understanding what’s going on in your partner’s inner world, and allowing them to understand what’s going on in yours similarly, is essential to building any deep connection and helps you know exactly where they’re at, so you can grow and learn together.

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We all need to feel seen and heard, right? When you listen to your partner without passing judgment or making assumptions, you allow them the chance to talk openly without fear of being ridiculed or dismissed.

Similarly, sharing your own emotions is a fundamental part of this two-way communication stream in any relationship. It’s a sign of mutual respect and lets your partner know that you care about what’s on their mind and want them to know what’s on yours.

Above all, listening, hearing, and talking gives space to detect, discuss and navigate any issues together healthily and constructively before underlying problems fester and worsen and become future breaking points. This leads to a happier and more fulfilling relationship based on intimacy, trust, and respect.

7 Signs of Communication Problems (Or a Total Lack of Communication In a Relationship)

Relationship issues can be hard to spot, particularly those regarding proper communication. They may not be seen or noticed early on, or it may be easier to disregard the signs.

Communication is a complex and multifaceted process involving not only the words we use but also the tone of our voice, facial expressions, and body language. In fact, often it’s what you don’t say that can speak volumes more than what you do. This is why we say poor communication really can be the “silent killer” of relationships. (Pardon the play on words!)

After years of coaching couples, I can see that unresolved difficulties weaken the relationship over time and ultimately bring it to an end. Yet, it does not have to go that way; when addressed early on and with effective communication, most relationship issues really can be resolved.

There are several signs that you may recognize in your own relationship that could indicate communication issues are festering:

1. Not Wanting to Talk Openly

One of the most common communication issues is a reluctance to engage in open and honest dialogue. It can manifest differently, using negative patterns such as avoiding conversations or not expressing your thoughts and feelings.

It can also involve using passive-aggressive communication patterns or sarcasm instead of clear communication.
When you or your partner are uncomfortable sharing what’s happening, it isn’t easy to understand each other’s emotional state. This causes misunderstandings, mistrust, and conflict in relationships.

An insecure attachment style may arise when being open and vulnerable has not been a safe or acceptable experience in the past (usually in childhood). This attachment style can manifest as anxiety, avoidance, or a combination of both, impacting your or your partner’s ability to communicate effectively.

When someone hesitates to confront issues due to their insecure or anxious attachment style, it can hinder the growth and development of the relationship, ultimately causing frustration for both partners. Partners with insecure attachment styles need to recognize and work on their patterns.

Sometimes, not feeling able to talk openly may manifest as your partner giving the cold shoulder, intentionally ignoring or showing indifference towards you, often as a form of punishment or to convey displeasure. It may be because they’re upset and need time to cool off.

If you find that you are giving your partner the cold shoulder, it’s important to examine your behavior and motivations. Are you trying to punish your partner for something they did? Are you feeling overwhelmed or stressed out and need some space?

It’s essential to be open and honest and try to improve communication in these instances instead of resorting to destructive behaviors.

Solution: Create a safe space to talk

To overcome this issue, you must create a safe and supportive environment where both you and your partner feel free to express yourselves without fear of judgment or criticism. Building trust and establishing open communication channels can help you feel more comfortable sharing thoughts and feelings, leading to more positive and productive interactions.

2. Stonewalling

Stonewalling is intentionally refusing to engage or respond to a partner’s attempts to communicate. This type of defensive behavior involves shutting down or blocking communication to avoid conflict or emotional discomfort. It is the main cause of complete lack of communication in a relationship.

Stonewalling obstructs productive communication, problem-solving, and the growth of the connection between partners. Experiencing stonewalling can make you feel like you are trying to communicate with an unresponsive brick wall, leading to frustration, anger, and a sense of disconnection. This difficulty in addressing issues and finding solutions can negatively impact the relationship.

On the other hand, if you are stonewalling your partner, you may be acutely aware of the emotional imprisonment this behavior creates and how freeing it would be to express your feelings openly without the need for extreme withdrawal.

Stonewalling can manifest in various ways, including ignoring or dismissing your partner, refusing to make eye contact or engage in conversation, giving one-word answers, giving the silent treatment, or physically leaving the room. It is often used as a coping mechanism when someone feels overwhelmed, stressed, or emotionally triggered.

3. Choosing to Text, Rather Than Talk

textingTexting has its perks and may help keep couples connected over long distances or separation, but it cannot substitute for spoken conversation in creating a successful relationship.

Texting removes the nuances of face-to-face communication, including tone, body language, facial emotions, and eye contact. Without these nonverbal clues, it’s easy to misread the other person’s communications, leading to general misunderstanding.

Relying solely on texting as a primary means of communication in a relationship can make it easy to avoid deeper conversations and important issues. It’s easy to hide behind a screen and avoid facing difficult topics, which can create a serious lack of communication and understanding in the relationship

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With the lack of emotional depth you get over text, it’s difficult to convey complex emotions. Texting merely sustains and perpetuates the problem of a need for proper communication beforehand. Instead, texting should form part of a balanced approach that also includes phone calls and in-person conversations.


4. Keeping Big News to Yourself

There are a few reasons why someone might keep big news to themselves in a relationship. For example, you may be afraid of how your partner will react, you may not want to burden them with the information, you may not feel comfortable sharing specific details about your personal life, or you may need to learn how best to communicate the news.

Regardless of the reason, it is always important to consider the potential consequences of keeping significant information to yourself.

If your partner finds out about the news from someone else, it can damage trust and cause feelings of betrayal. It can also create a power imbalance in the relationship, as withholding the information may make you feel you have control over the situation.

Choosing not to communicate things with your partner may pose a particular problem for those with anxious attachment styles, as they will crave closeness and emotional intimacy, to know and understand what’s happening in your world. Although not everything must always be shared, the more emotionally available you can be, the more they will feel secure in the relationship.

Reflection: Why are you choosing to not share?

If you are considering keeping big news to yourself, ask yourself why you are hesitant to share it with your partner. Is it because you fear their reaction or don’t trust them with the information? If so, it may be helpful to have an open and honest conversation with your partner about your concerns and work together to address any negative feelings that arise.

Ultimately, the decision to share the big news with your partner is a personal one that depends on the context of your relationship and the nature of the news. But in general, it’s important to prioritize open communication and honesty in a healthy relationship and avoid negative patterns of concealing information.

5. Arguing Events From a Subjective Truth

Subjective truth refers to an individual’s own personal experience of reality, which is shaped by their beliefs, values, and past experiences. It can be influenced by factors such as culture, upbringing, and personality and can vary from person to person.

Arguing events from a subjective truth in a relationship refers to a situation where two people have different interpretations or perceptions of the same event or experience. In this case, you may believe that your version of events is the truth, even though your partner sees it differently. This can provoke conflict, misunderstandings, and hurt feelings.

Due to pride and stubbornness, both parties will quite often refuse to compromise. It can be frustrating and challenging. It’s important to recognize that both people’s experiences and perceptions are valid, even if they don’t align with each other. It’s essential to approach the situation with empathy and an open mind and try to understand where the other is coming from.

Solution: Move past arguing from a subjective point of view

Good communication requires listening actively, asking questions, and clarifying each other’s perspectives. This can help you get on the same page about communication problems and create a shared understanding of the situation. Ultimately it helps resolve the problem in a way that works for both people.

It’s also important to recognize that some differences in perception may not be resolved and that it may be necessary to agree to disagree. This isn’t a sign of a lack of communication or problems but is simply the norm for many couples. In such a case, it’s important to find a way to move forward that respects each person and their perspective.

6. Ignoring Each Other’s Contributions

Successful partnerships only work when you acknowledge each other’s contributions to the life you’ve built together and where you want to take the relationship next. This requires working together and appreciating each other.

Overlooking each other’s contributions can leave both people feeling insecure and useless and leave you feeling increased resentment.

Solution: Make a habit of acknowledging your partner’s contributions

Meanwhile, recognizing each other’s effort helps both people feel valued and fosters teamwork. It can be something as simple as thanking your partner for what they provide or the love they show that can help you learn to appreciate them more and focus on the good things they do. It tells them you value, admire, respect, and are grateful for them.

Similarly, active listening lets you thoroughly comprehend the other’s perspective before replying. This guarantees that both of you are heard and that neither feels overpowered.

Open conversation is another essential tool that builds trust and closeness by fostering honesty, respect, empathy, and understanding.

Finally, practicing assertiveness helps everyone feel comfortable communicating their thoughts and respecting their partners. Assertive behavior creates a safe space where individuals may express themselves freely.

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If you can recognize what matters most in a relationship, you might start to see how you can support your partner more, how you can do more to help resolve problems, and even how you’d like to be more supported.

7. Defensive Responses

defensivenessDefensive responses can create a negative cycle that erodes the trust, respect, and intimacy essential for a healthy relationship. When one person becomes defensive, it can cause the other to feel unheard, dismissed, or invalidated.

Defensive responses can take many forms, including deflection, blame-shifting, denial, condescending retorts, counter-attacks, or bringing up past mistakes. These responses can make it challenging to have an open and honest conversation or communicate effectively, as they can create an atmosphere of fear, hostility, and distrust.

When a relationship is focused on defensiveness, it can be hard to work together to address issues or find solutions to problems. The focus can shift from resolving the issue at hand to defending your position, which can result in further misunderstandings.

And when you are insistent on defending their position, it becomes easier to refuse to admit when you’re wrong, and so the argument has no end.

Solution: Learn how to address the defensiveness

Both partners need to practice active listening, empathy, and respect to break this cycle. This can involve acknowledging each other’s perspectives and working together to find a solution for both people.

It’s also important to recognize when defensiveness is becoming a problem and to take steps to address it, for example, taking a break from the conversation or seeking the professional help of a therapist or counselor.

How to Prevent Negative Communication In a Relationship

Conflict is inevitable, and how you handle it matters. Instead of criticism or antagonism, aim for open communication and understanding. This allows for settlement rather than greater resentment.

Avoid defensiveness and judgment to encourage healthy communication. Listen to and empathize with each other’s sentiments. Try to identify common ground to reach a compromise rather than arguing. These methods can repair communication scars, improve communication, help resolve disagreements faster and easier, and strengthen your relationship overall.

Share Your Experience to Benefit Relationship Communication

Healthy relationships require healthy communication. It builds trust, understanding, and closeness. Communicating about experiences rather than facts helps develop an understanding of each other’s viewpoints and creates deeper bonds.

Experience-based subjects allow you to communicate your deepest thoughts without judgment or criticism. This develops vulnerability and connection since you have revealed something intimate that no one else can imitate. Opening up increases trust since both of you will see that there is no need for concealment when discussing past mistakes or present feelings.

Openly discussing experiences also helps couples encourage one another through tough times and remember pleasant memories together. What a great way to improve a lack of communication in your relationship!

By discussing these subjects, you learn to empathize with one another and appreciate each other’s differences. So, meaningful discussions about personal life experiences might improve your relationship by revealing new emotional connections.

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Seek Help and Outside Support

Sometimes, putting everything you know into practice can be challenging, even with all your best efforts. Poor communication habits can be deeply ingrained, which is why it’s important to remember that seeking help for your relationship is not a sign of weakness but strength and commitment to making positive changes.

Did you know that, on average, couples wait six years before seeking help for their relationship? That’s six years of struggling and suffering unnecessarily. The support of a clinical psychologist or relationship expert can make a significant difference in getting your relationship back on track.

Please don’t wait until it’s too late to seek help. Investing in your relationship is one of the most important things you can do. You can overcome communication challenges and build a healthier, more fulfilling relationship with the right guidance and support.

How to Resolve Lack of Communication In a Relationship: The Takeaway

Effective communication in a relationship helps each partner express their feelings and creates trust. A lack of good communication, negative communication patterns, and related communication problems all strain a relationship and increase mistrust. Good communication, on the other hand, fosters mutual understanding, making it a worthwhile investment in every relationship.

Verbal, nonverbal, and digital methods of communication must all be considered for solid partnerships. Instead of relying on text messages or becoming defensive while addressing tricky matters, both sides should actively listen and openly talk to and acknowledge one another. Talking freely about what’s happening in each other’s worlds helps couples build respect and closeness.

Lasting partnerships need good communication patterns. Open discussion helps couples comprehend one another’s perspectives without invalidating their experiences. Couples can avoid future negative communication patterns and problems and strengthen their love life by spending time communicating effectively today.

Recommended Resource: Transformative Communication for Relationships Course

I invite you to explore the Transformative Communication course that my partner and I developed to provide couples with practical communication tools.

The course offers lifetime access to a comprehensive range of resources, including 23 video lessons and a practical workbook, that give a clear step-by-step guide for resolving communication issues and building a successful relationship.

These resources will support you and your partner as you work towards building a more vital and fulfilling partnership!

Lack of Communication In a Relationship: Quick Reference Key Takeaways

Find a quick reference of the main points and key takeaways for improving the communication in your relationship within this article here!

  • Poor, conflictual, or passive aggressive communication are a one way ticket to an unfulfilling, lackluster relationship.
  • Common reasons for communication breakdown include boredom, fear of judgment, feeling unacknowledged, and conflict avoidance.
  • The negative impact can manifest in the form of chronic misunderstanding and erosion of trust, defensiveness, loss of intimacy, and separation.
  • Active listening is crucial to good communication in a relationship. Other tips for improving communication in a relationship include setting aside time to talk, expressing appreciation, and being honest and direct.
  • Getting professional support is a good way of putting change into practice. More affordable, self-directed guidance is available online. You can find an easy, structured approach in the Transformative Communication course, a 4-hour guidance to a conscious way of communicating.


Communication in any relationship is crucial. Clear, nonviolent communication is the essential ingredient to a lasting healthy relationship. Equipped with the knowledge and resources presented within this article, you and your partner have a solid groundwork of how to get there.

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