Start This Free 14-Day Wellness Challenge Today!

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You’ve heard of yoga challenges, fitness challenges, and clean eating challenges. . . But have you heard of the free 14-day wellness reset challenge that just launched on YouAligned?

The Wellness Reset challenge will help you align and amplify your mind-body-life wellness. If you have been wanting to start a wellness routine, then consider this your sign! Whether you’ve had a wellness routine that you’d like to deepen, or if you fell off the healthy train but are ready to climb back on, then all aboard!

When it comes to your wellness, simplicity and consistency are key. And that’s exactly how this wellness reset challenge is designed.

It’s as simple as clicking here to get started.

We recommend starting with the Introduction video to learn how to approach this challenge and get the most out of it. From there, you can press play on day one and let the wellness reset begin!

In addition to daily all-levels yoga or guided meditation classes, you’ll also receive a nutritional guide and meal planning tips for your dietary needs.

When you sign up, you’ll get the downloadable nutritional guide PDF, a bonus class with Yogi Bryan called Learning How to Meditate, and your daily classes emailed directly to your inbox.

Yoga Program

With Ashton August & Yogi Bryan


Why Should You Take This Wellness Reset? What Are the Benefits of a Wellness Challenge?

The benefits of a wellness challenge are well worth the commitment.

For quick reference, the benefits of taking this wellness reset challenge are:

  • It is entirely free!
  • You can start at any time
  • Daily class playlist
  • Create positive healthy habits
  • Establish consistency in your daily movement
  • Establish or deepen your meditation practice
  • Be more mindful in your daily life
  • Feel supported in your wellness journey
  • Boost your mental health
  • Gain access to valuable nutrition info
  • Discover new healthy recipes for your dietary needs
  • Uncomplicate / simplify your wellness
  • Deepen your self-love and self-worth


The beauty of a challenge is that it motivates you to keep going. You feel challenged and therefore more likely to rise to the occasion. The 2-week time period also helps you keep going, because you know the end is near and therefore the entire undertaking is doable. It feels accessible and realistic.

As we said earlier, the key to maintaining your wellness for the long term is consistency. The wellness challenge is already created for you – all you need to do is follow it day-by-day. Each day, you know you have a yoga class or guided meditation waiting for you.

You’ve got the resources, you know it’s free, and all you have to do is get started. Translation: no excuses!

Whether you commit to doing the classes at the same time each day, or simply find time depending on what works best each day, the point is to keep showing up every day for 14 days. The consistency in showing up for yourself this way sets a solid foundation for positive wellness habits once you’ve completed the challenge.

You establish the habit of consistency itself, which over time will become a way of life for you. How exciting is that?!

As the name suggests, this wellness reset helps you press the reset button on your healthy lifestyle. It helps you establish a daily mindfulness practice through yoga and meditation. Mindfulness is the simple practice of being fully aware in the present moment and for the task at hand.

Over time, practicing mindfulness can help reduce anxiety and depression, improve concentration, and sharpen your ability to be present – all invaluable in our modern living.

Learn More About the Benefits of Mindfulness and How to Practice It

As adults it is crucial that we take time every day to tune in and go inward. Whether it’s spending five minutes in meditation or 20 minutes on your yoga mat, these acts help us get clear on what we need and what we desire.

It may seem daunting at first to add one more thing to your schedule (we get it!) but we promise that once you make the time for your daily wellness, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without making the time before.

And through the act of carving out a bit of y.o.u. time every day, you in turn solidify the belief that you are worthy of this time. That you have the time, that you are important enough to make the time for, and that you are capable of doing it. This is a profound statement to and for yourself!

The final part of the wellness reset is nutrition. Because you can’t have a strong body and mental fortitude without also fueling brain and body with healthy, nourishing foods!

You establish the habit of consistency itself, which over time will become a way of life for you. How exciting is that?!

You will gain access to nutritional guidance from a Registered Dietitian and accompanying recipe inspiration so you know what to eat and why it’s important. Most people do not get access to a dietitian, or spend a lot of money to do so.

Finally, this wellness reset challenge is entirely free, so it’s available to anyone with an internet connection. No barrier to entry, and no excuses!
 yogi bryan laptop sage yourself 

What Does This 2-Week Wellness Reset Challenge Include?

This 14-day wellness reset offers a curated daily schedule of an all-levels yoga class with Ashton August or guided meditation with Yogi Bryan every day for two weeks.

You have the opportunity to explore several different popular forms of yoga like Yin and Vinyasa in classes that are geared towards any level practitioner. Each yoga class ranges from 35 – 40 minutes. Ashton is the founder of YouAligned and YA Classes, and is a renowned yoga instructor known for her welcoming and accessible teaching.

The guided meditations all range from 10 – 15 minutes and each has a different focus, like stress relief, or gratitude. Yogi Bryan is also a YA Classes teacher and a celebrity meditation guide who everyone loves for his humor and realness.

Our Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist, Alison Rosenstock, developed a nutrition guide and accompanying meal planning ideas to support your dietary needs.

This downloadable nutrition guide PDF is an invaluable resource that provides foundational nutrition information in an easy to digest (pun intended!) way. You’ll learn about key nutrients that your body needs, which foods contain the highest amounts of each nutrient, and how it benefits your body.

The guide also contains meal prepping and recipe ideas for most dietary needs and preferences, including gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian options, and more.

You’ve got yoga for the physical, meditation for the mental, and nutrition for the full mind-body-life wellness package!

How to Approach This Wellness Reset Challenge to Maximize the Benefits

While it’s certainly not required, if you are able to create a designated space in your home for your daily yoga and meditation practice, that will be immensely beneficial.

Having an area that’s either set up or at least allocated for your practice will reduce your time setting up (and thereby reduce excuses for not getting on your mat!) and will also help you focus more during your practice. This space should feel inviting, and ideally be quiet to eliminate distractions.

Next, we highly recommend that you take advantage of the nutrition guide and bonus Learning How to Meditate class. This bonus class is helpful for any level of meditation experience, so it’s a great resource! When you sign up, you’ll also receive the daily classes directly to your inbox to support you in being accountable and consistent.

We’ve partnered with AG1 (previously Athletic Greens) to bring you this program entirely free!

AG1 is a foundational nutrition supplement packed with over 75 nutrients, adaptogens, vitamins, and minerals that support immunity, gut health and digestion, energy, and mental clarity. AG1 makes it convenient for you to receive your daily nutrition needs in one foundational nutrition supplement, which is why we partnered with them. 🙂

You’ve got yoga for the physical, meditation for the mental, and nutrition for the full mind-body-life wellness package!

If you’re interested in having AG1 to help you reach your nutrition goals throughout this program, head over to to receive your 5 free travel packs and a year supply of Vitamin D3K2.

Whether you use the nutrition guide, AG1, or both, please be sure that you focus on your nutrition as much as the movement and meditation portion of this challenge. Explore the recipe ideas, make a conscious effort to eat clean and nourish your body every day, and don’t forget to hydrate! Hydration information is in the nutrition PDF also.

Start the Wellness Reset Challenge on YouAligned Today!

You’ve got the resources, you know it’s free, and all you have to do is get started. Translation: no excuses! No barrier to entry! Commit, be consistent, and let’s go!

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Credit : Source Post

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